Layout design HO scale Missouri Pacific Bagnell Branch is made up by running ‘point
to point’ from the MP yards at Jefferson City, Missouri to the RI crossing at Eldon, Missouri. Both the MP and RI serve
customers on their respective trackage in Eldon with some customers having reciprocal switching. Micro-Engineering Flex-track
Code 70 is used on the mainline with Micro-Engineering Code 55 track in the sidings and industry leads. Turnouts are Lambert
or Shinohara's code 70 and were made to be DCC 'friendly' by installing Caboose Industries 220S switch throws.
Operating the layout is a NCE DCC system. The 18 inch wide upper deck runs railroad-north from Eldon (the end
of the MP’s mainline and the RI yards) to Olean, Missouri. The top of the upper deck is 58 inches from the floor. The
track then enters a helix (1.5% grade) that places a train on the 24 inch wide lower level where the track enters Russellville,
Missouri and terminates in the MP classification yard at Jefferson City, Missouri. The top of lower level is 44 inches from
the floor.
The MP’s Eastern Division's main lines are represented by the double track on
the edge of the layout going from St. Louis to Kansas City. Industries in Jeff City include fuel and oil
distributors, power house for the state capitol, commercial coal distributor and a text book publishing company. There’s
a scale track where loads off the branch and the Eastern Division will be weighed. Company coal will be switched into the
coaling station. The prototype branch (including the RI at Eldon) had poultry houses, fuel and oil distributors,
feed mills, grain elevators, stock pens, coal distributors, cement and lime distributors, farm equipment receivers and
team tracks so I had several industries to choose when developing the buildings on the track plan.